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We’re Featured on BNN Bloomberg

on the Commodities show

August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024

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Last week, we took Bloomberg’s Vancouver Beaureau Chief, Thomas Seal, on a tour of our global headquarters, The Centre of Excellence for Carbon Capture & Removal, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and spent time answering his questions about our business and carbon capture and removal in general.
On August 15, 2024, we proudly announced that Canada Growth Fund (CGF) committed to an investment in Svante of up to US$100 million. The news was featured on and other news outlets. 
Watch the video above of Thomas speaking with BNN Bloomberg’s Paul Ragnell on the Commodities show. When asked about Svante, Thomas said,  “…it’s a fascinating technology. It combines chemistry, computers, and large machinery. I went to visit their plant earlier this week, and it’s really about trying to ensnare CO2 molecules from the air. ”

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