Enter to Win 1 of 3 Original Paintings!

Answer the following questions to enter.  

Why have outdoor speed skating events moved to indoor venues?
Do you care about climate change?

By entering your email address and submitting this form, you agree to receive marketing and communications emails from Speed Skating Canada and to be contacted by a representative if you win the contest. You may op-out and unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link in each email communication. 

Contest Rules & Conditions 

Three winners will be randomly selected by Speed Skating Canada on Monday, January 27, 2025, and will contact each winner separately via email. Winners have 5 business days to respond and accept their prize (the painting). If 5 business days pass and the winner has not replied to Speed Skating Canada or contacted them, Speed Skating Canada has the right to randomly select another winner, and the prize shall be awarded to them instead of the original winner who did not respond to the notification from Speed Skating Canada.