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Project CO₂MENT: How a BC Project can Spur the New Carbon Economy

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Svante Inc. (formerly Inventys Thermal Technologies) a BC-based carbon capture technology developer, is collaborating with global companies, LafargeHolcim and TOTAL and others, to develop a solution for BC’s largest single source of CO₂ emissions, Lafarge’s Richmond cement plant. Project CO₂MENT, A Campus of Innovation, will start out by demonstrating a 1-tonne-per-day CO₂ capture technology along with a consortium of CO₂-to-value technologies.

This will be an interdisciplinary program designed to create the conditions that will benefit all aspects of carbon management and evaluate opportunities for low carbon economic growth. It presents a compelling synergy among a variety of stakeholders interested in the potential to reduce capture costs plus assess the full value chain of CO2 capture, conversion, and utilization.

Representatives from Svante, Lafarge, Carbon Cure, and Carbon Upcycling gathered at Globe 2018 to discuss the project.



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